Published on October 16, 2024

NCBE Publishes Results of NextGen Field Test Research

Press Release

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MADISON, WISCONSIN, October 16, 2024—The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) has published a research brief summarizing the results of field testing conducted in January 2024, part of ongoing implementation research for the NextGen bar exam. The new exam will have its first administration in July 2026. Results of the first stage of NextGen implementation research, pilot testing, were published earlier this year.

Over 4,000 final-year law students and recent law graduates at 88 volunteer law schools across the United States took part in the field test. Participants were given two hours to answer one of several collections, or forms, of draft NextGen bar exam questions (standalone multiple-choice questions, integrated question sets, and performance tasks). NCBE researchers then analyzed the results to gather data about new question types not tested on the pilot test, the timing of the exam, and how questions performed across different groups.

The field test also provided an opportunity to study how jurisdiction graders will be affected by the transition to the NextGen bar exam. The written portions of the field test were graded by jurisdiction-recommended volunteers who had also graded the February 2024 bar exam. The volunteers provided information as they graded about how long it took them to review grading materials and grade participant responses, and they participated in post-grading interviews to compare their experiences with NextGen grading and grading the current bar exam. 

The next stage of implementation testing gets underway this week and next, with a full-length prototype exam scheduled to be administered in 32 jurisdictions across the US to approximately 2,300 participants who sat for the July 2024 bar exam. The prototype exam will provide essential data to inform jurisdiction decisions about setting passing scores for the new exam.

To date, 25 jurisdictions have announced plans to adopt the NextGen bar exam. The new exam is being developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), which currently develops bar exam content for 54 of 56 US jurisdictions. In the US, the highest court in each jurisdiction has authority over the admission of attorneys to practice in its courts, aided by its own bar admissions agency. The NextGen bar exam will replace the current Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) and, like the UBE, will serve as the basis for score portability between participating jurisdictions. 

Designed to reflect the work performed by newly licensed attorneys, the NextGen bar exam will test nine areas of legal doctrine (civil procedure, contract law, evidence, torts, business associations, constitutional law, criminal law, real property, family law) and seven foundational lawyering skills (legal research, legal writing, issue spotting and analysis, investigation and evaluation, client counseling and advising, negotiation and dispute resolution, client relationship and management). Tenets of attorney ethics will also be tested in conjunction with other topics and skills.

The new exam will balance the skills and knowledge needed in litigation and transactional legal practice and will reflect many of the key changes that law schools are making to their own curricula, building on the successes of clinical legal education programs, alternative dispute resolution programs, legal research, and legal writing and analysis programs. See for detailed outlines of the legal doctrine and skills that will be tested on the exam.

The subjects and skills to be tested were developed through a multi-year, nationwide legal practice analysis focused on the most important knowledge and skills for newly licensed lawyers (defined as lawyers within their first three years in practice). 

Like the current bar exam, the NextGen bar exam will be administered, and the written portions graded, by the individual US jurisdictions. The exam will be administered over one and a half days, with six hours of testing time on day one and three hours on day two. The current bar exam is typically administered in 12 hours over two full days. 

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About the National Conference of Bar Examiners 

The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE), headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1931. NCBE promotes fairness, integrity, and best practices in bar admissions for the benefit and protection of the public, in pursuit of its vision of a competent, ethical, and diverse legal profession. Best known for developing bar exam content used by 54 US jurisdictions, NCBE serves admission authorities, courts, the legal education community, and candidates by providing high-quality assessment products, services, and research; character investigations; and informational and educational resources and programs. In 2026, NCBE will launch the next generation of the bar examination, ensuring that the exam continues to test the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for competent entry-level legal practice in a changing profession. For more information, visit the NCBE website at

About the Next Generation of the Bar Exam 

Set to debut in July 2026, the NextGen bar exam will test a broad range of foundational lawyering skills, utilizing a focused set of clearly identified fundamental legal concepts and principles needed in today’s practice of law. The skills and concepts to be tested were developed through a multi-year, nationwide legal practice analysis, focused on the most important knowledge and skills for newly licensed lawyers. Designed to balance the skills and knowledge needed in litigation and transactional legal practice, the exam will reflect many of the key changes that law schools are making today. NCBE is committed to ensuring a systematic, transparent, and collaborative implementation process, informed by input from and participation by stakeholders, and guided by best practices and the professional standards for high-stakes testing. For more information, visit or