What to Bring and What Not to Bring
Allowed Items
Each jurisdiction will provide specific information regarding materials, including appropriate identification, that examinees are allowed to bring with them to the test center.
For MPT and MEE only: Mechanical pencils, pens, and highlighters may be allowed, and laptops are allowed for examinees who register to test by laptop.
Prohibited Items
Examinees are not allowed to bring the following to a test room:
- Any electronic devices, including but not limited to
- cell or mobile phones
- digital watches or timers
- fitness trackers
- media players
- headphones
- language translators
- picture-taking devices
- e-cigarettes
- firearms or other weapons
- written materials (including books and notes)
- scratch paper or paper of any kind
- rulers
- briefcases, handbags, or backpacks of any kind
- non-electronic watches or timers of any kind
- earplugs or earmuffs of any kind
- hats and/or hoods (except religious apparel) worn on the head
- food or beverages (unless pre-authorized by the testing jurisdiction)
Examinees found in possession of prohibited items may be dismissed from the test, and their scores may be cancelled, as determined by the testing jurisdiction.
Notice to Examinees: Prohibited Behaviors
The following conduct is prohibited during the examination, as it undermines the integrity and fairness of the examination process:
- bringing unauthorized electronic devices (whether turned on or off) or unauthorized materials into the testing room
- taking test materials out of the testing room
- causing a disruption or disturbance
- copying answers from another examinee or sharing answers with another examinee
- continuing to work after a supervisor has instructed examinees to stop writing additional items and behavior, and examinees must follow the rules and policies of the jurisdiction in which they test.
NOTE: Jurisdictions may prohibit bringing unauthorized electronic devices (whether turned on or off) or unauthorized materials into the testing room
Engaging in prohibited conduct during the examination could result in some or all of the following penalties:
- civil liability
- criminal penalties
- cancellation of the examinee’s test scores
- denial of the examinee’s application to sit for future exams
- denial of the examinee’s bar application on character and fitness grounds
- disciplinary action by a bar authority if the examinee is already admitted to practice law