Accommodations are approved with a period of eligibility. For example, requests for accommodations based on unchanging conditions may be approved for a period of eligibility of up to 24 months. The expiration date of an approved accommodation is listed on your Accommodations Confirmation and determination letter.
If you were previously approved for accommodations and wish to take the MPRE again within your period of eligibility, you do not need to reapply. You may proceed directly to MPRE Registration in your NCBE Account, register for the MPRE, and then schedule a test appointment after receiving your Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE.
If you were previously approved for accommodations, and the period of eligibility has NOT expired but will do so on or before your intended test day, you may request an extension of your eligibility period for those same approved accommodations.
You may not submit an extension request more than six (6) months before your period of eligibility expires. If you have questions, please email MPRE Test Accommodation Services at mpre.ada@ncbex.org.
Note: If your accommodations were not approved with a period of eligibility, you must reapply for accommodations using the online MPRE test accommodations application in your NCBE Account. Please see How to Prepare Your Request for MPRE Test Accommodations for detailed information regarding preparation and submission of a request for MPRE test accommodations.
- You cannot submit an extension request until after a determination is made on your initial request for accommodations.
- You cannot submit an extension request if you already have an extension request pending.
- You cannot submit an extension request if you have an appeal or request for reconsideration pending.
- You cannot submit an extension request more than six (6) months before your period of eligibility expires.
- We recommend that you submit your extension request at least 60 days prior to the expiration date listed on your Accommodations Confirmation.
- To submit an extension request, log in to your NCBE Account. Once there, you will see the option to start an extension request from the Actions menu. Note: if you are seeking an extension of your currently approved accommodations, but your original accommodations request was NOT submitted via the online application in your NCBE Account, please contact MPRE Test Accommodation Services at mpre.ada@ncbex.org at least 25 business days before your accommodations’ expiration date for instructions on how to submit your extension request. Expired accommodations cannot be extended. If your accommodations expire, you must submit a new and complete request using the online MPRE Test Accommodations Application.
- All extension requests submitted by the registration deadline for a particular test administration will be considered for that administration; however, the later you submit your request after the Recommended Submission Date, the higher the risk that you will not be able to test on your preferred test date, at your preferred location, and/or at your preferred test time.
- Extension requests, including forms and documentation, must be received by NCBE by the registration deadline for a specific MPRE administration, or they will not be considered for that administration of the exam.
- It typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to process an extension request. Please consider this when requesting an extension for your preferred test date, and refer to Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations for more information.
- After you submit your extension request, an Extension Request Summary will be available in the MPRE Test Accommodations section of your NCBE Account. It will also be posted to your NCBE Account File Cabinet. Please retain this document for your records. If you do not receive an Extension Request Summary within one business day, please contact NCBE to confirm that your extension request was received.
If you have questions about how to submit your extension request, you may contact us by email at mpre.ada@ncbex.org.
Candidates are encouraged to submit an extension request well in advance of the expiration date (within their Period of Eligibility) and no later than the Recommended Submission Date for their intended MPRE administration.
Important: Expired accommodations CANNOT be extended, and extension requests for accommodations that have expired will not be considered. If your approved accommodations have expired, you must submit a new request for accommodations by logging in to your NCBE Account. Please see How to Prepare Your Request for MPRE Test Accommodations for information regarding preparation and submission of a request for MPRE test accommodations.
Additional or updated documentation may be required if there is any change in your condition or a change in your accommodations history since you last applied for MPRE accommodations.
Only previously approved accommodations are eligible for an extension.
For questions regarding important dates and deadlines, please refer to Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations. For specific questions regarding MPRE registration and scheduling your test appointment, please contact MPRE Registration at mpreregistration@ncbex.org.