UBE Score Services

Use UBE Score Services to
Transfer My UBE Score to a Jurisdiction
UBE Official Score Transcript
NCBE automatically reports your UBE score to the jurisdiction in which you took the UBE. To have your certified UBE score sent to a UBE jurisdiction other than the one in which you took the UBE, request a UBE Official Score Transcript. If you have taken the UBE in multiple jurisdictions or multiple times, the transcript will include a full history of your UBE scores across all jurisdictions and all exam dates.
Log in to your NCBE Account or create an NCBE Account if you do not have one and go to the Score Services section to complete and submit a UBE Score Transcript Services Request.
In making the request, you will be asked to enter the jurisdiction where you most recently took the UBE and the exam date (month and year). You also will be asked to enter the jurisdiction(s) to which you want a UBE Official Transcript sent.
UBE Score Transcripts are sent directly to jurisdictions, and the scores are not provided to examinees. (You must request a UBE Unofficial Score Transcript to obtain your UBE scores.)
A $30 fee is required for each UBE Official Score Transcript.
Time Frame
Ordinarily, score services requests are processed the next business day after receipt of payment, but no sooner than after the testing jurisdiction has announced its examination results and authorized release of the examinee's scores.
Obtain a Copy of My UBE Score Transcript
UBE Unofficial Score Transcript
To learn your scores on the UBE, request a UBE Unofficial Score Transcript. A UBE Unofficial Score Transcript is solely for the examinee’s information and cannot be used to transfer UBE scores to a jurisdiction. A UBE Unofficial Score Transcript will include a full history of your UBE scores across all jurisdictions and all exam dates, if you have taken the UBE in multiple jurisdictions or multiple times. Transcripts do not include information about performance on discrete exam components or subjects.
NOTE: Some UBE jurisdictions directly notify examinees of their scores, and a UBE Unofficial Score Transcript might be duplicative of score information already provided to the examinee by the testing jurisdiction. If you are unsure of what score information is provided to you in the jurisdiction in which you tested, check with the jurisdiction before requesting an unofficial score transcript from NCBE.
Log in to your NCBE Account or create an NCBE Account if you do not have one and go to the Score Services section to complete and submit a UBE Score Transcript Services Request.
In making the request, you will be asked to enter the jurisdiction where you most recently took the UBE and the exam date (month and year).
UBE Unofficial Score Transcripts are posted to the examinee's NCBE Account File Cabinet.
A $30 fee is required for a UBE Unofficial Score Transcript.
Time Frame
Ordinarily, requests for UBE Unofficial Score Transcripts are processed the next business day after receipt of payment, but not until after the testing jurisdiction has announced its examination results and authorized release of your score. UBE Unofficial Score Transcripts are stored in the NCBE Account File Cabinet for a maximum of 90 days. Candidates are encouraged to download and save the transcript within that time frame to avoid having to purchase another transcript.
General Instructions

NCBE performs UBE score services for all UBE jurisdictions; all requests to have UBE scores sent to another jurisdiction should be submitted to NCBE and not to the testing jurisdiction.
All jurisdictions that administer the UBE accept transferred UBE scores. Jurisdictions may begin accepting transferred UBE scores prior to or after their first administration of the UBE. Each jurisdiction sets its own requirements for admission and policies for accepting UBE scores from other jurisdictions. Examinees are strongly advised to consult the jurisdiction directly for the most accurate and current information about applying for admission on the basis of a UBE score earned in another jurisdiction.
You cannot submit a request for UBE score services until after the date of the examination in which the score will be earned. A request for UBE score services must be submitted electronically through the examinee's NCBE Account.
NCBE is not authorized to transfer or release UBE scores until after the testing jurisdiction has announced its examination results and authorized release of the examinee’s scores.
Score Services Fees

The fee ($30 for each score service transaction) may be paid online by credit card (MasterCard or Visa only).
Payment by check must be mailed to NCBE with a printout of the confirmation page at the end of the UBE Score Transcript Request Form and may significantly delay the processing of your request. No score services will be performed until credit card information is processed or until a check is received with a printout of the confirmation page.
Refunds will not be provided for any reason. It is your responsibility to read these instructions carefully before requesting any score services and to verify that you have provided the correct information in the request.
UBE Jurisdiction Information
View our interactive map for which jurisdictions administer the UBE and for general information about admission by transferred UBE score. Specific questions should be directed to the bar admission agency in the jurisdiction to which an examinee is applying.